
Showing posts from July, 2023

Week 6 continued

  Reading Summary of Joseph Campbell's The Hero with a Thousand Faces Watching Interviewing Spoke to Mike about Carbon offsetting and why it is more common for corporations and organisations yet no so common for individuals. Says he does his own offsetting using biochar.

Week 6

 This week I watched Damon Gameau's documentary called 2040. It basically rehashed everything I had seen or was aware of in other environmental future media: Drawdown author and the content within the Drawdown book appeared to be a major source of inspiration for the film and there were large chunks of the film where Gameau was sitting on the CGI wind turbine discussing subject matter that appears in the Drawdown book. Self driving cars and shared transport Soil Circular economies Waste management I took note of the names of some of the economists. I've also just stumbled upon this resource: Playwriting I'm thinking about how tight I need to write to meet the 2000 word limit and the research plan is asking me to specify audience and demographic and where it will be published.  This issue with a play is that most publishers apparently will not consider a play unless it has been staged so I guess that means the movement of the cha

Week 5 - Ethics

 This week's tutorial is about Ethics. A friend, who is an editor, said why don't you see what ChatGPT spits out with the barest of details about your play.  I typed in "Write me a positive play about the future of food set in 2050" and this is what was the AI response. It is nothing like what I was intending on writing and it is very basic! 🤮 Title: Harvesting Tomorrow Act 1: Setting the Stage (Scene 1: A bustling urban street in 2050. The backdrop shows advanced eco-friendly buildings, vertical farms, and a sense of harmony between nature and technology.) Narrator (voiceover): Welcome to the year 2050, a time where humanity has come together to reshape the future of food. In this vibrant city, we witness the ingenious advancements in sustainable agriculture and culinary innovation. (Scene 2: Inside a futuristic restaurant, where the aroma of delectable plant-based dishes fills the air. The chef, Sarah, is passionately preparing a meal.) Sarah: (Smiling) Welcome to