Week 5 - Ethics

 This week's tutorial is about Ethics.

A friend, who is an editor, said why don't you see what ChatGPT spits out with the barest of details about your play. 

I typed in "Write me a positive play about the future of food set in 2050" and this is what was the AI response.

It is nothing like what I was intending on writing and it is very basic! 🤮

Title: Harvesting Tomorrow

Act 1: Setting the Stage

(Scene 1: A bustling urban street in 2050. The backdrop shows advanced eco-friendly buildings, vertical farms, and a sense of harmony between nature and technology.)

Narrator (voiceover): Welcome to the year 2050, a time where humanity has come together to reshape the future of food. In this vibrant city, we witness the ingenious advancements in sustainable agriculture and culinary innovation.

(Scene 2: Inside a futuristic restaurant, where the aroma of delectable plant-based dishes fills the air. The chef, Sarah, is passionately preparing a meal.)

Sarah: (Smiling) Welcome to "Harvesting Tomorrow." Here, we embrace the best of nature's bounty without harming the environment. Today, we shall embark on a culinary journey like no other!

Act 2: The Eco-Food Movement

(Scene 1: A community garden where people of all ages work together, nurturing plants and enjoying the process.)

Narrator: The Eco-Food Movement has brought communities closer, fostering a sense of responsibility towards nature's gifts. Gardens like this have sprouted across the city, uniting people in their love for locally-sourced, organic produce.

(Scene 2: A food tech laboratory where young scientists experiment with plant-based proteins and create delicious alternatives to animal products.)

Scientist: (Excitedly) With these plant-based proteins, we can sustainably meet the world's protein needs while significantly reducing our ecological footprint. Imagine a future where food is both delicious and kind to the planet!

Act 3: Cultivating Diversity

(Scene 1: A farmers' market showcasing a colorful array of fruits, vegetables, and grains from various cultures.)

Narrator: In 2050, embracing diversity isn't just a social ideal, but a culinary celebration. Farmers' markets like these have become a treasure trove of global flavors, connecting people through their shared love for food.

(Scene 2: A restaurant kitchen filled with chefs from different backgrounds, working together to create fusion cuisine.)

Chef Paul: (Excited) In this kitchen, we celebrate cultural fusion, crafting dishes that blend traditional flavors from around the world. It's a tribute to the rich tapestry of humanity's culinary heritage.

Act 4: Embracing Technology

(Scene 1: An automated vertical farm, where robotic arms gently tend to the crops.)

Narrator: Technology has played a significant role in revolutionizing food production. Vertical farms and aquaponics systems have become the norm, enabling fresh produce year-round while reducing the need for vast agricultural land.

(Scene 2: An AI-powered kitchen assistant that helps people cook healthy and sustainable meals at home.)

Kitchen Assistant AI: (Cheerful) Good evening! I'm your AI kitchen assistant, here to guide you in preparing a scrumptious, planet-friendly meal. Together, we can make a difference, one recipe at a time!

Act 5: Nourishing the Future

(Scene 1: A gathering of policymakers, scientists, chefs, and farmers discussing their vision for a sustainable future.)

Narrator: The success of "Harvesting Tomorrow" lies in the collaborative efforts of everyone involved. By nourishing the planet and its people, they have laid the groundwork for generations to come.

(Scene 2: A final scene with people of all ages sharing a meal, laughing, and enjoying each other's company.)

Sarah: (Closing the play) As we savor this meal together, let us remember that the future of food is not only about nourishing our bodies but also our spirits. It's about cherishing the bounties of nature and embracing a collective responsibility to protect it. In 2050, we have witnessed the transformation of food, not just on our plates, but



